I Shall Never Speak Doge

Some things simply never change. Once again it’s cats versus dogs in Annalee Newitz article “We who spoke LOLcat now speak doge”.  In this article Newitz provides the reader with an insight on how the meme world took a shift from LOLcat memes to the now popular doge meme.  This article starts by comparing each of these meme. Newitz provides the similarities between each meme such as their origin as simple animal pictures. Newtiz also brings forth the differences between the two, a major difference being the set up or design of each. Both types of memes have their own distinct styles and fonts that put them into separate classes.  One of the major difference between the two types of memes is how they are presented and perceived. Whereas the LOLcat memes use sayings and simple assertions, doge memes use baby talk and staggered, muddled thoughts.  Doge memes are even becoming so popular that these memes are starting to use the same fonts and styles that the LOLcat memes traditionally use.  The article goes on to explain that it is entirely possible that this new doge meme could either explode or fade away in terms of its online presence. In Newitz’s opinion, the doge meme has the potential to to do really well and is the superior meme.

Although Newtiz makes some good points about how successful the doge meme could become, I have to disagree. From a visual learning point of view, doge memes do not communicate well. The scattered thoughts put forth through doge memes do not come across in a clear and coherent manner and I feel as though it takes away from the humor of the meme itself. Doge memes also have too much going on design wise. As Newtiz mentioned, these memes consist of scattered text in the comic sans font as well as multiple colors. This make the already muddled thoughts of the doge meme just as unclear visually as it does conceptually.  These weaknesses make the doge meme a failure in my eyes. I simply cannot see things the same way that Newtiz does.

The LOLcat meme will forever be a favorite of mine. Once again I approach these memes with the idea of visual learning in mind. When a viewer sees a cat meme there are no mysteries. The bold face font on the tops and bottoms of the photo are clear coherent thoughts, though not always grammatically correct. It is just like Newtz states in her article. LOLcat memes are straight forward and usually just contain small, clear assertions. That is what makes this type of meme so successful. As a viewer of these memes I read them to find amusement and the doge memes simply cannot supply the same type of amusement as the LOLcat memes. Although  Newtiz puts forth some good arguments for the doge meme, in my mind there is no competition. LOLcat take this one by a landslide.

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